Saturday, November 11

Tag: Colour

A Brief about Phthalo Blue, Its Types and Usage

A Brief about Phthalo Blue, Its Types and Usage

Phthalo Blue is a powerful colour, which is used to paint nature, namely the sky and water. Well, they also give great snowy highlights! No other paints can accomplish what these do. Phthalo blue also known as Thalo blue is an abbreviated name for paints made derived from the pigment Phthalocyanine Blue, or PB15. This blue is long lasting as compared to many watercolours and seems to be an extremely popular choice on any watercolour palette. Now there are several types of Phthalo blues available and each watercolour manufacturer often produces multiple Phthalo blue colours. How are Phthalo blues divided? Phthalo blue colours are divided on the basis of their shades i.e whether they have a green or a red undertone. When you check them out, you'll find them labelled Phthalo Blue Red ...